Hear ye, hear ye! We are super thrilled to announce that we will resume touring in N. America this fall for the release of our new and fourth album called “The Untourable Album”. We started working on this album amidst the global lockdown and didn’t expect to be able to “tour” these songs. We wanted to take the opportunity to work on new and different material, without necessarily intending to play these songs live. We wrote freely, as if we were suspended in time with no external attachments. The initial release date had to be delayed however, when Dragos got into a motorcycle accident and had to recover for several weeks. So here we are now, almost ready to release the album, while everything is slowly reopening and the lockdown seems to be a thing of the past. It looks like the “Untourable Album” will be tourable after all! We are still in the process of polishing the songs and doing the last tweaks before the album is ready. We will have an official release date super soon, stay tuned. Thank you for your ongoing support and we’re looking forward to see everyone again in real life!